Competitors (and loved ones!) are welcome to provide photos to appear on this page to either fill in the gaps or replace photos from our archives with something a little more flattering! Please contact us here for details of how to send in their photos. We do our best to match the correct names to faces to cars but mistakes can happen so if you spot one please let us know and we'll get it fixed.

Justin  Andrews

Class C - Subaru Impreza

Anthony  Brown

Class C - AUDI TT

Dave  Mockford

Class C - MG Maestro Hatchback

Lloyd  Bettinson

Class D - STM  Pheonix

Paul  Davies

Class F1 - Radical  Clubsport

Grahame  Harden

Class F1 - Radical PR6

Richard  Mallet

Class F1 - Radical  Pr6

Stephen  Mallet

Class F1 - Radical  PR6

Simon  Bainbridge

Class F2 - SBR Chrono Sports Libre

Tony  Beesley

Class I - JEDI MK4

Ben  Bonfield

Class I - Oms 2000m 

Nick  Houston

Class I - OMS Hornet

Christopher  Jones

Class I - Force TA

Marcus  Lindsay

Class I - Jedi  MK4

John  Loudon

Class I - Force TA

Simon  Wallis

Class I - OMS 3000M 

Steve  Broughton

Class J - DJ Firehawk CT004

Nicholas  Scott

Class J - Force TA

Robert  Tonge

Class J - Force TA Racing Car

Carole  Torkington

Class J - OMS  CF08

Steven  Brown

Class K - RLM Empire Evo 2 Single Seater

Gary  Buckingham

Class K - Reynard Formula Vauxhall

Michael  Froggett

Class K - Reynard Formula Vauxhall

Steve  Miles

Class K - Van Diemen  RF96mm2024

Graham  Blackwell

Class L1 - Mygale EcoBoost+ 

Peter  Goulding

Class L1 - Mygale FF200 Ecoboost Special Single Seater

Graham  Porrett

Class L1 - MYGALE FF200  SJ12

John  Graham

Class L - Gould GR55b

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SLC logo Woodford Trailers Motorsport UK HSA Sprint Leaders Championship
BSC logo Woodford Trailers Motorsport UK HSA British Sprint Championship